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Lovely green rainy island that is full of smart friendly people for the most part. Historically an oppressed and poor country, a large part of their economy was generated through tourism, as much of the island's population emmigrated to other countries over the decades. Very smart and witty population, well educated and known for their literature, music and humor.
However, there are quite a few Irish who claim to know their history but don't. While they Yank bash they tend to forget that without US Irish American funds they never would have been able to fight their war of independence and form the Irish Republic, and the peace talks in the North would never have happened without US involvement. So without those Irish-Americans who you say aren't Irish (we don't claim to be - note that we say Irish American. Once Ireland starts having more immigrant offspring they'll begin to get the concept)Ireland would still be part of the UK. Your country was basically bought with US cash and guns, some Irish Americans even came over from the US to fight for it as well. Some would say the Irish are rather ignorant and ungrateful. But then I guess that it would be stereotyping to judge an entire country on a few yobs who hate Americans.

Anyone who is a citizen of the Republic of Ireland is Irish. Treat immigrants well when they arrive in Ireland, remember that the Irish were taken in when they went to England, Australia and the US.

Ireland, Ulster,Guinness,Yeats,rain,New york, ellis island

by NYC Gingerman August 9, 2007

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