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1) Commonly known as a female first name.

2) A potion of love “Isobel” this potion is known to have long lasting effects.

3) An electric bell in Indonesia but is a slang term not often used.

4) Used to describe powers against Kye

“Hey Isobel have you seen Kye?”

“Isobel Kye loves you”

“Can I get one Isobel for Kye please?”

“Where is the Isobel?”

by Naanbreadj August 29, 2020

2👍 1👎


Idreece is what is known as a “stick” or “rock” in Africa. This was mostly used in the early stages of Africa so the word idreece is very rarely used in the modern day.
2) Idreece was also used in Pakistan to describe “hairiness” however use of idreece is next to nothing.

“Ey, Ojoji pass me da idreece, i need to make fiya”

“This man is an idreece. The hair...its out of control!”

by Naanbreadj July 1, 2019


Mahilah can be used in every situation to describe or express something. Mahilah originates from the golden age to use Mahilah you must understand it is a word that expresses gratitude.

“Mahilah brother, how are you today?”
“The bus came early, Mahilah!”

“Mahilah, Mahilah thank you brother”

by Naanbreadj June 30, 2019


This is a adjective used in India not very common but is still used nethertheless it is a objet that is used to wipe someones anus to clean themselves something like toilet paper but alot more rough and rationed.

1)"hey can you pass me the sanghveer please I just had a poo."
"sure here's the sanghveer don't forget to flush"
2)"hey kye could you pass me the sanghveer please I've just had a huge dump"
"yeah here's the sanghveer flush on your way out please"

by Naanbreadj November 27, 2017

10👍 1👎


Common thought to be a proper noun. Thoughts of the name “Daniel”. However this isn’t true A Daniyal is something used in Pakistan, Daniyal is a form of medicine, this is something like chloroform but it puts children to sleep, it’s a tablet based form of meditation. It puts children to sleep in under 4 minuets after swallowing.

1)”Mum can I have a Daniyal I need to sleep!”
2)”I need a Daniyal otherwise I can’t sleep properly”
3)”please give me a Daniyal mum, I’ve been a good boy”

by Naanbreadj June 9, 2018

12👍 20👎