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A shot consisting of one part kaluha, one part goldschlager, and one part malibu. It is a potent shot, used only to consume the last quanities of alchohol in your house as so your future self does not return home in order to consume it, thereby lessening the chance of a time-space paradox.

Man1: "Yo I think our future selves are confusing our friends and might stop by to drink the last of the booze."

Man2: "Shit, then we better make a quick round of paradox shots as so they don't show up."

Man1: "Bitchin."

Future Man 1: "Fuck, we drank the last of the booze."

Future Man 2: "Well, no use in going back to the house then."

by Nads The Great February 21, 2010

11👍 17👎