Someone who writes facts that they can't verify and end up being wrong.
See also, the biggest brick built structure and why it's not the Stockport viaduct.
He's such an arrowsmith. He needs his own book of Errata.
To restart something by turning it off and on again, generally a server or end user device.
Norweb were a national electricity company in the north west of England, who also rented television sets. When there where issues, you could call the Norweb engineer who would come round and perform similar tests to unplugging it and plugging it back in again.
It's gubbed, I'll give it a norweb.
Releasing value in one's home with great vigour
My house is sooo big and valuable, that this weekend i'll mostly be doing getting my alequity on.
High Powered Business Meetings. The most powerful of all business meetings with a 70s slant.
You can tell Sheila's got a HPBM today, she's wearing her extra large shoulder pads.