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Free Republic is a publically funded news aggregator that all members may post articles that interest them. Administration moderators check for hate, criminal ideas, etc.
Topics discussed range from news, humor, religions, hunting, fun with guns, responsible gun handling, news from the various Second Amendment organizations, women’s issues, gay issues, etc.
Sciences are a big part of the content since many of the members work in senior positions in biology, physics, chemistry, communications, NASA, all branches of the military, spies, diplomacy, and all branches of our government.
Many authors are members. Most members use nicknames though some make clear their names.
Yes, creation is discussed. Most of the science members are quick to squash some goofy ideas but occasionally some things show up that “science” hadn’t thought of.
Most Freepers think “climate change”{ is a scam. Trans ... fats are good in moderation but guys in dresses are weird and no good can come from that.
No member is allowed to hurt anybody no matter what. That’s the rule.
Generally, Freepers are law-abiding, upper-income, hard-working, religious, family-oriented guys and gals you would like to have as neighbors.

Freepers are Law-abiding, educated, hard-working, family-oriented people you would like as neighbors.

by Namvolunteer July 26, 2019