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yung tr33

A Spotify rapper who is fire

Yung tr33 preforms live at Detroit toros fc! 9/26/22

by Nascarfan2007 September 29, 2022


Mudvavyne most successful song which spawned “most brutal death metal scream 2012” and “brbr deng”

I can’t believe vevo censored dig

by Nascarfan2007 January 25, 2023

nadja peulen

Coal chambers bassist. She in her early years before joining coal chamber looks like a crush your high school football bro would have. She is also on the cover of chamber music released on September 7 1999 and it has her with angel wings playing a harp.

Nadja peulen is attractive as heck and a good bassist

by Nascarfan2007 December 28, 2022

Balkan gains

A disgusting YouTuber who is fatphobic, misogynistic, and fatherless who is also friends with gigacheddar

Balkan gains has been banned off of YouTube

by Nascarfan2007 January 23, 2023

10👍 67👎

rap cartoon

A cartoon that millennials and gen z’s associate with rap and consider nostalgic to them. This is often Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and other old shows from the 1990s-2010s. They often use there characters as pfp’s. This is the epitome of cringe.

My gosh I hate rap cartoons

by Nascarfan2007 October 23, 2022

field filler

A car in Motorsports that never actually goes into a race most commonly in Nascar

I am a field filler

by Nascarfan2007 February 12, 2023


Another year of cool cars and celebrity births

Dimebag darrell, Adam Sandler, and dez fafara where all born in 1966

by Nascarfan2007 March 18, 2023