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Meaning Hollywood derangement syndrome is when a republican gets mad whenever fox mentions a celebrity that’s not a republican

Fox News has hwds

by Nascarfan2007 October 17, 2022

2👍 5👎


A state only known for ground meat, sprint cars and dirt track racing, agriculture, the Hawkeyes, and slipknot

I live not to far from Iowa

by Nascarfan2007 October 23, 2022

modern rap culture

The use of cartoons from Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network and somehow associated with rap. The use of the n word, slang and auto tune. And completely being a poser by wearing shirts of famous rock and metal artist they never listen too. They also sample some of the worst media. They do too many drugs and like modern trashy sports cars. They often barely use any instruments only a computer and dj who is horrible. They often also sample voicemails from there angry ex girlfriend. There music videos are horrible also. They are mostly rappers trying to be gangster. They also roast many popular American things. They also roast southern Americans by having rap music videos on farms and dressing up as cowboys. They often preform at rolling loud, Coachella, etc. artist include many you probably already know of

I hate todays modern rap culture. Fred durst, Eminem, snoop dogg, and post Malone I only have respect for because post likes and respects metal, Fred durst still sounds like he’s from 1999, Eminem still is lyrically innovative, and snoop dogg’s still crazy high as usual

by Nascarfan2007 October 17, 2022

angela baker

Angela baker is an American transgender serial killer. Born on may 23 1969 in argyle New York as Peter baker. His sister actually named angela and his other father was ran over and killed by a boat on july 2 1975 in argyle new york. Peter got sent to his aunt Martha were she give him gender reassignment surgery. In 1983 age 14, Ricky Thomas born on august 11 1968 age 15 and cousin of Peter. Got sent to camp Arawak. From august 10 to august 25. Angela is suspected to have killed around 8 people and Ricky is considered to be an accomplice

Angela baker: Americas trans killer. Tonight on A&E. Rated TV MA LSV

by Nascarfan2007 January 3, 2023


Sevendust’s most mainstream song

Waffle is sevendust heaviest song

by Nascarfan2007 October 24, 2022


Godsmacks second most angry song besides crying like a b*tch and I f**king hate you

(Whatever) Better f***king go away

by Nascarfan2007 January 16, 2023

Midwest tourist town

Often have a mix of old buildings, old buildings with newer interior, and newer buildings with older interior selling adult (vulgar not sus) products, local foods, rip off toys, and playing 80s pop music

Mackinac is a Midwest tourist town

by Nascarfan2007 September 18, 2022