a pornstar who does soft core porn. very hott.
next door nikki is hot
719👍 115👎
a fat, butt-ugly bitch found hanging out with hot chicks in a bar and if this monster doesn't get some dick, none of her hot friends do, either
Okay, Joe, you see that group of girls over there? It's your turn to fall on the grenade.
1487👍 1064👎
The one and the only D O double G
G's up Ho's down all you motha fuka's bounce to this
978👍 255👎
An variant of the Shocker where two fingers are placed in the rectum and one finger in the vagina. May also be called Toxic shock syndrome
She didnt like the shocker so I reversed it an gave er a Toxic shocker.
3👍 8👎
Cards, action figures, water toys, cereal flavors, lockets, and other paraphernalia connected with the Pokémon phenomenon.
These spoilt little brats from "Generation Z" are all begging their parents to buy them tons of pokéshit.
20👍 12👎