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Hebrew: שלום

Hebrew greeting commonly used by Israelis, Jews and Zionists alike.

Means "hello" and is used when meeting and parting.

The common response to "Shalom" is "Shalom shalom".

There are also 2 other greetings with the word "Shalom":

• "Shalom aleichem" שלום עליכם - Peace be upon you
• "Shabbat shalom" שבת שלום - Peaceful Shabbat (Sabbath)

However, to Palestinians, Arabs and those who support Palestine and/or hate Israel, the word is interpreted differently as such people determine that the Israelis, whether civilians or soldiers, are all terrorists. They usually interpret "Shalom" as a fake greeting of peace as bloodshed is still happening despite the peaceful greetings from Israelis, Jews and/or Zionists.

Note: Greeting "Shalom" to others does not mean you're a Jew or only a Jew can greet "Shalom".

In the case of both parties knowing the greeting
A: Shalom!
B: Shalom shalom!

In the case of one party not understanding the word of greeting
C: Shalom!
D: What did you say?
C: I said "Shalom!", it's a greeting in Hebrew and if you want to respond, you can say "Shalom shalom!".
D: Oh, shalom shalom!

Political misunderstanding of the greeting
E: Shalom!
F: What did you say?
E: Shalom!
F: You Jew?
E: Not exactly.

F: Then what are you?
E: Whatever it is, I'm not a Jew.
F: Then why did you say "Shalom"?
E: That's because "Shalom" means well to all! Peace to you and peace to me! As long as you mean its meaning well, there's no reason why you shouldn't greet "Shalom".
F: Oh.

Extreme political
misunderstanding of the greeting with Z for Zionist and M for Muslim + previous interpretation included
Z: Shalom!
M: What?
Z: Shalom!
M: Go fuck yourself, you Jew.
Z: I'm not a Jew.
M: Not a Jew? If you're not a Jew, then why did you say "Shalom" to me?
Z: That's because I mean well to you and not harm, shalom.

M: Go fuck yourself, you filthy
Jew, Israeli or Zionist or whatever shit, viva Palestine!
Z: Very well then, shalom aleichem.

by NatIsrael972 August 22, 2014

18👍 15👎


Singlish for "Bastard" but is to be used in a humorous way and not as a derogatory way.

Walao you sibeh basket sia!

by NatIsrael972 July 9, 2016

51👍 15👎