Source Code


Setting on a hard disk drive, CD-Rom, etc.

1. I set the jumper on the back of the drive to master and hooked it up on the IDE cable and now Windows can correctly recognize it.

2. The are 4 possible hard disk drive settings:
- primary master
- primary slave
- secondary master
- secondary slave
There cannot be 2 primary master hard disks at any one time or else the computer BIOS will not know which to boot up from.

by Nathar Leichoz November 27, 2003

107πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


A word coined by Thomas Kuhn to describe a closed set of scientific theories that are coherent and are well accepted by the larger scientific community.

Also see paradigm shift.

My new quantum theory is garanteed to shake the scientific community and cause a paradigm shift towards a new set of theories.

by Nathar Leichoz February 15, 2005

213πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž

poison the well

When a person rejects the conclusion of an argument by attacking its source, rather than attacking its premise.

Hitler claims that the earth goes around the sun.
But Hitler is evil and cannot be trusted.
Therefore the earth does not go around the sun.

by Nathar Leichoz July 25, 2004

94πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A system of government comprising of the four influences: state, society, market, and the global insertion.

A healthy regime has a caring state with a strong sense of social responsibility and an open and thriving market and with good international relationships with other countries.

by Nathar Leichoz February 15, 2005

100πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


The excuse used by Hitler to effectively turn democracy in Germany to a dictatorship after he took office in 1933. Hitler removed all other political parties except his own just months after taking his oath of office. Under the cover of patriotism he attacked the German constitution and managed to instigate a book burning of authors regarded as "enemies", banned foreign radio stations, replaced acedemic textbooks with materials promoting Nazi ideologies, passing the Civil Service Act which required teachers to adhere to the new ideologies, passed the Nuremberg Laws which decreed Jews as subjects of the Germans and much more.

Patriotism facilitated the unprovoked German attack on Holland.

by Nathar Leichoz February 4, 2004

74πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


A male who likes to have rectinal intercourse with other males.

Hey homo.. er.. I mean battiboy.

by Nathar Leichoz May 15, 2003

98πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A person who rejects the truth for a more relativistic view of a topic. The truth then becomes non-existent and what we perceive as the truth is really just a paradigm shift from one ideology to the next.

That guy isn't really as smart as he seems. He just happens to be smarter than most people in this room. In fact there's no such thing as a smart person.

by Nathar Leichoz December 8, 2004

50πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž