from the kids movie rumpelstiltskin. His long lost bumper-lipped, grease covered, shit smelling nigger brother who was sold to a slave owner in the south. Rumpelstiltskin was lucky enough to make it big in a kids movie. Rumpel shitskin on the other hand was stuck picking cotton, making yarn, and eating old porridge and salty creek water at the lovely warm feeling plantation. He slept on cow shit, and used frozen horse sperm as a pillow. One day his owner's dog raped him and his slave owner shot rumpel shitskin for sexually assaulting his dog. His body is now used as a coat rack and his head is hanging from his tree along with the other dead banana-eating monkeys. Being called rumpel shitskin is an extreme insult meaning the person(or nigger) is extremely lazy, worthless, dirty, smelly, ugly, slimey, greasy, and just a completely disgusting creature.
john:Did that velcro headed fudgie just steal your car and rape your wife?
billy bob: yep he don did. so i shot that rumpel shitskin and made me a leather coat outta it.
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