Shane is a hot and youthful guy. Heâs the sweetest they come. Shaneâs are really into cars like TJ keeps and they love blasting classic rock while going way over speed limits. Shaneâs are amazing boyfriends, and he is quite the ladies man. When, however, Shane finds the right girl, he treats her like a queen, and makes her so happy. Shaneâs are the best
Aww look at Shane and his girlfriend! They show way too much pda, but AWWW
Konstantin - A zen like state of mind usually associated with illusory superiority - Often presents as a form of entertaining delusional alternative reality in Bulgarian lone wolves. Side effects include accelerated hair loss, uncontrollable erections, and a predisposition to business time. Sometimes used as the standard unit measurement for bullshit (logarithmic scale).
1. He claimed his dick was so big, but when I saw it I realised he was suffering from Konstantin.
2. The claim that the car could do 0-60 in 3 seconds turned out to measure 6 on the Konstantin scale.
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