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A quantity of illicit drugs, packaged for sale in a standard quantity (kilo, pound, quarter, eighth, etc.)

To “smoke one’s pack” (“smoking on that ___ pack”) refers to the act of obtaining by force another’s pack of drugs and smoking them, usually implying that the subject has killed the person in question in order to obtain them, whether literally or (more often) metaphorically through embarrassment/roast.

**insert meme roasting Mitch McConnell** SMOKIN ON THAT MCCONNELL PACK #RIPBOZO #PACKWATCH

by NavyMonkey69 November 24, 2021

Pack Watch

The activity of staying vigilant for bozos to roast to death (RIP BOZO).

Originates from slang for “pack,” which refers to a pack of drugs; to smoke another’s pack implies that you have killed them for their pack and are know enjoying the drugs contained therein.

We stay smoking on that Alec Baldwin pack #RIPBOZO #PACKWATCH PACK WATCH GANG

by NavyMonkey69 November 24, 2021