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A muppet of a man also known by his drunk alcohol yager monster form "lit romney" is a 6:2 170-320 pound italian american. He has sexually assaulted underage girls, groped woman, cheated with woman he knew were married, and has gone on long racist rants. His legs have smelly rotten holes and his muscles are destroyed. He says he can beat people up but will get pummeled and dominated by a 5:9 100lb crackhead. His penis was small but due to excessive smoking, drinking, obesity, and age lost its function. He is taken care of by a retarded woman known as big hand becky, who had a military husband kill himself, a 30 year old stable son, and a trans 15 year old daughter who she brought along to be with her and blade as 3 cartel members tried cucking him. She doesn't try to stop his behavior and tries to keep him alive, like trying to use tape to fix the titanic. He deletes all criticism of him or people trying to save woman , young girls, and others from his rampages, banning them on sight and only wants people to mindlessly praise him. In the meanwhile he groans, calls people stupid, and whines. He is the most miserable being on the internet and will be dead by 2030 if not sooner no matter what, no one should feel sorry for him or think "he should get help" all help failed and public execution or an insane asylum is the next best option.

A high school girl got groped by some fat ugly delusional drunk retard, I think it was onlyusemeblade, that youtuber.

by Necrozma Beam September 4, 2022

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a cock of a large gellatinous man

Mark Hnery keeps that horser on him in gas stations

by Necrozma Beam March 15, 2021

pow pow

A name for jordie "richard" jordan, a chubby youtube gamer who camps and gets angry at people.

Pow pow rage quit in cod before fighting sean ranklin in his sleep, obviously pow pow can't stand for too long.

by Necrozma Beam December 27, 2021

Manhattan Girl

A girl who lives in Manhattan (usually referring to teenage white girls). Obviously just a stereotype but a good amount have somewhat rich parents and live in brownstones (many are Jewish). Sadly a good amount are also very liberal (like very far left) and are crackheads or drunkards.

Obviously tho thats only some, there are many nice, kind, manhattan girls free of drugs n stuff.

*everyone in room*
Manhattan Girl*sees queens boy and he looks back*
Manhattan Girl:Fucking weirdo suburban creep
Queens boy:Crackhead slut
Everyone else:OHHH SHITT!

by Necrozma Beam April 20, 2020

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White Claw

A drink commonly consumed by blonde teenage white girls, most of which are single. It's just alcoholic seltzer.

That girl drinking white claw last week is hot af and luckily she's not taken.

by Necrozma Beam October 5, 2020

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Kanye's bowls

A place in the universe only jefree star's strap on has reached.

After Kim found out Kanye cheated she was sad that she never got to find out about kanye's bowls.

by Necrozma Beam January 7, 2021

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quinnen williams

The only man Josh allen fears. Able to bench 530 pounds and run like a truck, the west african Caribbean American is one of the best lineman in the nfl. No one can stop him 1v1

We set up a barricade for that fat drunk dude to not flop everywhere. Mf though he was quinnen williams the way he trucked through it.

by Necrozma Beam February 22, 2023