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a website where roblox script kiddies talk,argue and publishing their horrible script and many more

guy 1: bruh my computer is shit!!1111 i downloaded free roblox executor from v3rmillion now its full of fuck me ads
guy 2: why the fuck are you doing that

guy 1: i am a retard

by NectaredBee June 23, 2022


Translated to "Defence Force" was the unified armed force of germany during nazi rule, consisted of 3 forces, The Army (Heer), Naval Force (Kriegsmarine), Air Force (Luftwaffe). The emblem was the Balkenkreuz that look like the Iron Cross and still being used today but with a different design, the Wermacht fought in Africa and europe (if theres missing i dont know)

The Wermacht had 18.000.000 personnel that served.

by NectaredBee May 14, 2022


A economic-themed board game designed by antimonopolist Lizzie Maggie that had 2 sets anti-monopolist and monopolist, but we all probably played only the monopolist set.

Guy 1: man ur too good at monopoly
Guy 2: because i am a professional at being a capitalist

by NectaredBee June 23, 2022

Among Us

A person among you and others

There is a idiot among us

by NectaredBee November 28, 2021


1. Short for National Socialist German Workers Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
2. A far-right political party in the Weimar Republic

Also this is not the ideology but the party

The nazis committed horrible things to millions of people.

by NectaredBee May 14, 2022