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Rush Limbaugh

Pompous, Conservative asshole that's paid off by the oil companies to convince his mindless religious conservative following that global warming doesn't exist. He has no fact to base anything that comes out of his mouth and speaks purely out of his ass. It is his mission and the mission of those like him to enslave the minds of the people. Listeners typically call in to praise him, telling him that he's second only to Jesus and that he is the savior of the United States, while in reality every word that comes out of his mouth further destroys the nation and he does nothing but spout his asinine opinion on the issues, usually attacking people personally, not just their politics. He often remarks about how amazing he is and how well he does his job.

People who listen to Rush Limbaugh are mindless and need other mindless assholes to tell them what to believe.

Rush Limbaugh: Global warming doesn't exist! Summers are hot! They've always been hot!!

Rush Limbaugh is nothing but a fat ass, oxycotin addict.

We should call Rush Limbough on his show to remind him how much of a douche he is. He needs a fucking reality check.

by Neenerz May 26, 2007

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