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Adderall is an amphetamine medication given to people with ADD/ADHD. If you dont have those medical conditions and you take it you will feel "tweaked", the high for stimulants.

Dosage: For a person with no tolerance 20-30mg will be a good starting dose. Although with frequent use you will need a larger dosage to feel the same effects.

Method: You can take this orally or you can rail them (snort). I would recommend railing them as you will get the most out of it. You will need to crush the balls up into fine powder for it to work though. Also i recommend a drink or gum as the drips will be bad tasting.

The high: If you swallow them then the high will set in 30mins to an hour depending on how much you have eaten. If you rail them it should hit you almost instantly. You will feel a sudden increase in your heart beat and feel really happy as well as energetic. Your confidence will boost and will feel like a king. Working and studying will be fast and even fun so its a great study tool. This should last a few hours depending on the dose, for 30mg it should last about 8+ hours (no tolerance).

Comedown- Amphetamines have one of the shittiest comedowns known to drugs. You will be depressed, very irratible, and fatigued even though you probably wont be able to fall asleep for a while. I found the best way to deal with this is to do adderall in the morning as the effects will wear off before its too late at night.
I also extremely recommend going out to your GNC and buying a bottle of 5-HTP, take about 200mg of it as it will increase your serotonin levels that have been drained from the amphetamines which greatly lessens the comedown. If you cant sleep and want to then go out to your GNC store and buy a bottle of melatonin. This is a natural sleeping aid and will help you fall asleep much faster. Take about 6-12mg. And lastly EAT. Even though you probably arent hungry as amps tend to do that force yourself to eat, trust me you will feel much better.

Warnings: Remember to stay hydrated as amphetamines will dehydrate you. Try not to perform physical activities as it will increase your heart rate even more. And lastly do not binge on this stuff, especially if you are suffering from depression. Each comedown will get worst and worst and having depression will make you feel 10x worst at the comedown.

Adderall and Dexedrine the best of legal amphetamines

by Neighborhood Pharmacist November 18, 2007

1409👍 469👎


Heroin is definetley not the "worst" drug you could do, the worst drug you could do is a drug that causes mental and or physical damage even with moderation ie. Inhalants (Excluding Nitrous), at least that's the way i see it.

The media has made this drug out to be the devil when in reality it really isn't. I think it's ironic how people are so looked down upon if they even mention that they have tried heroin when you have all these pharmacutical companies pushing their own version of smack ie. oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, fentanyl and the list goes on and on and on.

Anyone with a weak mind and no discipline should never use heroin or any opiate for that matter. Heroin can be used in moderation, but i believe a small amount of people are able to do this, they are known as chippers. If you are about to try this drug you absolutley MUST respect it and it's family (opiates/opioids) because if you don't, well just be ready to lose everything you have and end up on the streets.

There is one thing i do not recommend to people at all, please don't IV this drug. Once you do you will have opened a door that for most of you wish you had never opened, just stick to snorting or smoking it.

A word of caution though this drug is very addictive in the sense that you can experience withdrawal symptoms in as little as three days of continual usage, although the withdrawal symptoms at that point are like a cold but a bit worst it can be easily tolerated. If you start to experience withdrawal the last thing you want to do is use it again because that ladies and gentlemen is the seductive trap that Heroin and other opiates trap you in.

Now let me compare the heroin high to the high off Oxycodone. They are both very very similar except that heroin the high is i'd say 2-3x more euphoric. You will also experience alot more respitory depression than with oxycodone. And believe it or not it's hard to fall asleep on this drug, unless i guess you get into the high doses where you start nodding.

I am an example of a chipper, i use only on weekends to escape the stress of working 70 hour weeks with no days to myself among other shit. It completley melts away all your problems, you won't be able to find them if you tried your hardest cuz you wouldn't give a shit. It's like taking a vacation from your life without really leaving your life.


For more information on this drug that does not include such ignorant statements as-

by Neighborhood Pharmacist August 26, 2008

557👍 483👎