Conspirators of Silence
Where a group of ppl have for some reason chosen 2 ignore the massive elephant in the room
letting it stampede all over the fkn place without any repercussion
bc theyre used to it so they just let it slide.
or are just plain ignorant and following the code of conduct in a community
akin to Mass Hysteria or gaslighting
dont u see that massive elephant over there? clearly something is wrong here
"nothing to see here"
but its destroying everything,how come nobody speaks up
"C.o.S. everything is fiine,nvm the dumpsterfire that totally cnt be seen by every1"
we need an adult in here,stat
Hello welcum to Procrastination Station
We can help u dealing with delaying the inevitable
once ur... truly ready
how may i help u?
u c,the joke with 3441, the procrastination station
is that nobody actually makes the effort to call
bc their scared of dealing with their core issue
and instead stay at home escaping reality
by their own choice or... their environments...