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An oatmeal raisin cookie that upon first glance looked like a delicious chocolate chip cookie.

His appetite, yea his very world, collapsed when, upon close inspection, he discovered the plate was covered with decepticookies.

by Nerdzar July 5, 2017


the inevitable attrition of parental strictness enjoyed by the youngest children in large families.

"They spanked their first child; they gave time-outs to their second child; they negotiated with their third child; most of the time, they have no idea where their fourth child is--it's a textbook case of parentrition."

by Nerdzar March 7, 2012

announcer's booth

the one particular booth (or table) in a restaurant containing the people whose conversation is loud enough to be heard over all the other conversations in all the other booths.

"I'm sorry, how long did the doctor say you have to live? I couldn't hear you because of the announcer's booth over there."

by Nerdzar March 7, 2012


in the silence between audio tracks, a listener's anticipation of a certain song based on the completion of the previous song (from personal familiarity with an album).

"Thunder Road" had just faded out and I got my air-sax ready for "Tenth Avenue Freeze-out" but my iPod was set on shuffle and I got "The Monster Mash" instead: it was a case of mistaken albumticipation.

by Nerdzar March 9, 2012