Aka a BETA MALE (limp and suffers e.d) A people pleaser. Loves to be center of attention. Mark Shamus goes out of his way to help strangers, but craps on the friends closest to him.
Mark Shamus has 2 faces, and you will only see the 2nd one if you live with him. Fake personality, lures you in with his charm and jokes.
Totally nice guy, but WARNING don't get too close. Mark Shamus will use you only to benefit off you. He will lie to you; even when caught red handed. Will throw friends under the bus in order to keep his lie going.
If you're romantically involved with a Mark Shamus, realize that you're NOT the only 1 he's romantically seeing; there are many others.
Mark Shamus can't keep a job, gets in trouble with the law constantly, great story teller, plays the victim perfectly, has narcissistic behavior.
Friend: " There goes Mark Shamus, strapped his cape on and ready to save a ho"
"Mark Shamus out there doing ho-shit again"
Girlfriend: "why didn't you come home last night?"
Mark Shamus: (whatever comes out of his mouth is a lie)
You love someone?
Delusional beta bitch
That racist Ackerman