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strong suit

What ever you are really good (usually best) at doing.

"Multiplication is my strong suit," said the math teacher.

by Newbia June 22, 2004

6πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


An animated show that was cancelled by FOX and moved to Adult Swim that is for some reason always compared to Family Guy (because they're fighting for time slots on Adult Swim) and The Simpsons (because they were created by the same guy).

Family Guy Is Better. But That's My Opinion.

by Newbia April 28, 2004

51πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


1.The dictionary definition is happy. However, this is archaic and few people use it any more except in the phrase gay old time.

2.Homosexual, especially homosexual males but can be used for lesbians as well.

3.A generic insult. It can mean bad, stupid, whatever you want it to mean.

My Opinion:

Don't say that something is gay as an insult. I find this highly immature, mostly because it is often used when people can't think of a proper insult even when there is nothing homosexual about whatever they're insulting.

1.Jeremy was in a gay mood after getting an A on his test.

2.The people in The Village People are gay.

3."That is such a gay shirt,"remarked Robby.

by Newbia May 30, 2004

11897πŸ‘ 8956πŸ‘Ž


A thin bread stick dipped in chocolate, sometimes other flavors, quite popular in Japan.

Hey, are you hungry? I have some pocky in the cupboard if you need a snack.

by Newbia May 3, 2004

420πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž


1.A word that is inserted randomly into a sentence. Most people use it just because they're used to it, even some English teachers, and they won't use it when writing but will say it without meaning to. It used to be what you said instead of "um" but not people are so used to it they say,"Like, um..."

2."so I was all like" means "I said"

1.So I went to the mall and there was this, like, really cute shirt. And I, like, asked how much it cost.

2.So the guy was all like,"You should use proper english and say 'I said'," and I was like,"Don't, like, tell me how to talk..."

by Newbia April 27, 2004

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Someone who believes that abortion should be legalized.

There is a differance between pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life people want to stop abortion because they think it is wrong. Pro-choice people may think abortion is a good or bad thing, but they want women to have the right to do it even if it's not a good choice to make.

Josephine is pro-choice, because even though she thinks abortion is wrong she believes in womens rights.

by Newbia June 10, 2004

396πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž


1)Year 2000. (Y=year, 2k=2 times k, k being short for kilo which means 1000)

2)Computers only counted the last two digits of a number, so they didn't know the difference between 2000 or 1900. This would cause various problems with dates and finances, and would cause a big mess. People were panicking and saying that when 2000 rolled around, all the computers would crash and the nuclear bombs would go off or something.

Good thing I'm Amish, Y2k won't affect me!

by Newbia May 30, 2004

967πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž