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An annoying insect.

Specifically, a mosquito that comes into your bed at three in the morning and can not be cast out.

"Those damn beelzebugs have been biting me all day!" shouted Roger as he scratched madly. "I hate them."

(Beelzebug comes from a make-a-new-word contest in a newspaper. It comes from Beelzebub, the name of a character in "Paradise Lost" who is ranks right below Satan in Hell.)

by Newbia Leogetti August 7, 2005

7👍 4👎


An absolute classic.

Although that word is based on the movie 'Casablanca', it does not have to be a romantic movie from the 40's. It simply must be considered a 'classic' for its genre, even if it's something like fanfiction where nothing has been around for many years.

"After the End" by Arabella and Zsenya is considered the Casablanca of Harry Potter fanfiction.

"Hamlet" is the Casablanca of tragic theater.

by Newbia Leogetti June 11, 2005

88👍 37👎

Cold Turkey

A faster but unpleasant method of stopping an addictive habit, such as drugs or alcohol. It means that you just totally, completely stop, and never do it again (or at least try to).

Going cold turkey is opposed to stopping it by gradually doing it less and less, or stopping it with help like special gum or medicine. You don't get any help; you just stop.

Lydia tried to smoke only one cigarette a week, but she ended up going back to her old habits. She decided to try out going cold turkey.

"Cold turkey" is a term describing the actions of a person who gives up his habit or addiction at a single moment, rather than through gradually easing the process through tapering off or supplemental medication. The term allegedly derives from the comparison of a cold turkey carcass and the state of a withdrawing addict -- most notably, the cold sweats and gooseflesh. It is often preceded by the word 'going', as 'going cold turkey'."--Wikipedia

by Newbia Leogetti November 23, 2005

1533👍 191👎


Something that failed.

For a better explanation, google it.

Seriously, go to Google and search for "failure". You'll get a nice laugh, especially if you're a liberal.

by Newbia Leogetti September 19, 2005

36👍 38👎


A female who is friends with a male. This is used in contrast to girlfriend. A galfriend is just a friend who happens to be a girl; a girlfriend is someone you are dating.

see also guyfriend.

Greg: "So, are you dating Mary?"
Chad: "No, she's just my galfriend."

by Newbia Leogetti June 5, 2006

90👍 25👎


A male who is friends with a female. This is used in contrast boyfriend. A guyfriend is just a friend who happens to be a guy; a boyfriend is someone you are dating.

see also galfriend.

Lindsay: "So, are you dating Chad?"
Mary: "No, he's just my guyfriend."

by Newbia Leogetti June 5, 2006

202👍 50👎

Jesus handles

The handles on your car used for

a) hanging dry cleaning

b) holding on to dear life while you are in some sort of accident, praying to Jesus.

They are more commonly known as oh shit handles.

Wendy made several tight swerves that caused Bobby to crash into the window, so he held on to the Jesus handles to steady himself.

by Newbia Leogetti August 28, 2005

29👍 6👎