Source Code

Captain Black Sparrow

A drink made with a shot of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum in the bottom of a pint glass with Guinness Stout filling the rest of the glass. The Captain Black Sparrow tastes like a rum and coke milkshake.

This drink was created by Nick K. and named by Elizabeth K. in Las Vegas, NV.

"Pour me a Captain Black Sparrow. I'm gettin' tossed tonight!"

by Nick Kitz May 5, 2008

16👍 5👎


An ugly chick. In reference to baby pigeons, which are quite hideous, but used in this case to refer to an unattractive female.

Bloke #1: "Man, did you see that squab?"

Bloke #2: "Yeah, bro, she looked busted."

by Nick Kitz November 15, 2007

78👍 74👎


Literally, fucking hilarious. The funniest thing you've ever seen.

-"Remember that time our friend was so drunk she peed in the oven?"
"Yeah, that was fuckilarious!"

by Nick Kitz December 21, 2005

82👍 4👎

Most it

To give it the very most!

"Get out there and most it!"
"They just mosted it so hard!"

by Nick Kitz April 8, 2022