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Crowd finger or crowd fuck.

Fingering a chick in a public venue.
Usually done at a party or anywhere with a large amount of spectators.

Man did u see that guy CF that bitch at the rave, that was seedy as fuck!

by Nick Petrou October 12, 2008

2👍 10👎


A name given to the best dude out, the tryhard 'cool' group of the year below.

Bomfunk's are basically a group of juvie kids that think they are the shit and hang around shopping centres uniting with fellow bomfunks and someday they will have the ultiment bombfunk reuinion and get fully pissed of 1.5 cruisers

Man i think that year 9 is the most best Bomfunk ever, he got pissed on hes parents anniversaire. Those bomfunks totally own witfords. sick!!!

by Nick Petrou January 28, 2009

21👍 9👎