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Lia is beyond words. She’s the most caring and sweet girl you’ll ever meet. On your lowest days even hearing from Lia can make
it a great day. She’s the perfect girl between her absolutely stunning looks to her beautiful smile there is no one quite like her. All you want is to see her succeed and she wants the same for you adding to how truly incredible she is. She’s the girl all guys can only think up in their dreams, the girl that’s so perfect she flusters your heart just to be near, the girl you someday dream of calling yours. Lia is perfect and you’ll never be able find a girl even a fraction as perfect as her. Lia is the girl to show your parents and confidently say “she’s the one.” Lia is gorgeous, sweet, and all ways there for you she’s the base definition of perfect and the girl you’d give anything to date. Everyone needs a Lia because there’s no one quite like her.

liia is absolutely perfect (gorgeous, trustworthy, sweet, caring, and always there for you)

by Nick Rubino April 9, 2023