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1. Noun: One who loves and supports his or her country and the ideals it represents.
2. Noun when used by a Trump supporter: Scumbag.
-Note the Trump supporter doesn't need to be referring specifically to Trump for this definition to apply.

Ex: 1 The men who fought in WWII were true patriots. They were willing to fight what must've seemed like a never ending war for the safety of their country and what they believed in.
2. 2 Did you see the way Trump took those children, separated them from their parents, and put them in cages in the name of our national security? What a true patriot.
3.2 I'm all for Alex Jones raising questions about the Sandy Hook shooting. How dare the "parents" try to grieve and move on with their lives in piece. Only true patriots like Alex are willing to scream the tough questions like a goddamn ape.

by Night-Shift July 26, 2018

5👍 3👎

boomer bait

A post or verbally stated postulation presented with the sole intent to get baby boomers to agree with it and express their approval via likes, shares, comments, exc. Typically, these posts will draw upon pre-standing biases/fears that are common for baby boomers to have. Such as; an aversion to technology, the thought that younger generations are lazy or entitled, jingoism, and the fear/hate/confusion of the LGBTQ community.

Typical Facebook timeline boomer bait:
"The world could use less Xboxes, and more tackle boxes. Share if you agree."
"Bravery used to mean you went to war and fought for your country. Now it means you're a man who likes men and won't shut up about it. Stop the world, I want off."
"Like if you love America, Share if you think it's the greatest country the world has ever seen."
Caption under a photo of a manual shift lever.
"This car is equipped with a Millennial anti-theft device."

by Night-Shift June 10, 2019

24👍 1👎

Trump's America

The worst of all possible timelines. A cracked mirror version of America where unconstitutional policies become law and unapologetic racism becomes the norm. A waking nightmare no one can seem to wake up from.

Here. Here, let me demonstrate. Let's say that this line represents time. draws straight line and points to places Here's the present 2017, the future and the past. Obviously, somewhere in the past, probably on the campaign trail, the timeline skewed down into this tangent draws new line and writes 2017A creating an alternate 2017, Trump's America. Alternate to you, me, and Einstein, but reality for everyone else.

by Night-Shift February 1, 2017

36👍 13👎