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Kentucky Buffalo

the act of urinateing inside the vagina while saying dougman repeaditly

if u be a dick to him he'll give you a kentucky buffalo

by NightHunter August 6, 2011

11👍 2👎

Failed Abortion

the misconduct of an abortion that leads to the neglect of an unwanted child

a classic case of failed abortion is justin bieber

by NightHunter November 9, 2011

144👍 19👎

Reverse Kentucky Buffalo

When a woman yells dougman repeatedly while she pees when a man is preforming anal sex

If you piss her off she'll give you a reverse kentucky buffalo

by NightHunter August 6, 2011

Banana Boating

the act of motor boating x1000

she banana boating(ed) him and his balls fell off
he banana boating(ed) her and her tits exploded

by NightHunter November 9, 2011

10👍 4👎