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Pussy Beggar

Guys who have no clue and no real concept on how to get a girls interest. They spend most of their time on facebook posting lame messages on girl’s walls/ photos in a desperate attempt to get laid. Some women MAY find this entertaining but 9 times out of 10 that’s all they find it...entertaining.

Sounding like a lame ass geek on a girl’s facebook page WILL NOT increase your chances of getting laid, in fact you have probably decreased your chance.

A pussy beggar can also be spotted as the guy who has a lack of male friends. Do not be fooled into thinking that they are some sort of Romeo and are getting laid. In fact they are classed as the ‘gay best friend’ by each and every female friend he has.

In addition to this, a pussy beggar can be identified as the guy who flops on his friends when a girl calls him and says she wants to link. He’s the guy who picks up the girl from the other side of London and drops her home just so he can say he gave her a lift. What he doesn’t know is that whilst he was staying up awake driving, she was on her blackberry bbming some next guy who is gonna fuck her brains out once she’s back at her yard. Finally, he is the guy who snitches on his friends who have more than one girl on the go and is jealous due to the lack of pussy he is getting.

Furthermore, if you are aware of any pussy beggars in your circle of friends please tell him to change his ways as he is an embarrassment to every man on the planet.

Look at that Pussy Beggar over there

That guy begs pussy RAWLY

by Nikhlr October 14, 2009

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