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as good as anything will ever be

Bro: i love grandma’s cornbread
Sis: Mmm hmm, don’t get no betta

by Nikki November 5, 2004

147👍 91👎

Fub Fub

A guy or girl is really hott

That guy over there is fub fub

by Nikki March 6, 2005

13👍 43👎


origins: Boston, Massachusetts, but is now commonly used all over New England. If you're from Iowa (or anywhere that isn't New England) and you use this word, you sound like a dumb ass.

Definition: very, really, so, totally.

Example: That party was wicked awesome.

*Note: to properly use 'wicked' there must be a adjective placed after it. 'That party was wicked' is not correct.*

by Nikki January 28, 2004

1340👍 1790👎

teen girl squad

Teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 19 who also like jimmies and looking so good!

by Nikki July 22, 2003

24👍 12👎


adam thinks nikki is satan

nikki can control shiney demons. cuz shes satan.

by Nikki February 16, 2005

8👍 93👎

valentines day

A stupid day on February 14th, that is totally commercialistic and has no value to those who are single. Love Sucks.

Fred and Jill were walking down the hall holding hands. All of a sudden someone kicks them and mutters "Love Sucks"

by Nikki January 23, 2004

504👍 195👎

and i know it

questioning if a person really means what they say same as saying yeah right.

"I think im going to break up with him tonight"
response: "and I know it" yeah right!

by Nikki February 23, 2005

5👍 6👎