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The collective body of experience, information, knowledge and practice associated with and regarding intravenous drug injection.

After his 1,000th hit or successful needle stick of another Nikki had finally earned enough experience to graduate with a Masters degree in Needlework. I tell ya the guy's a deadeye.

by Nikki Stixx August 3, 2020


(adj) Used to describe a person who seems to have some type of sixth sense when it comes to not getting caught up in some illegal and/or immoral deeds. Very difficult, hard, and/or burdensome to catch, if at all; very slick, clever, and/or cunning.

Jerry was the most slippery son of a bitch in the neighborhood. When the police raided the pool hall last Friday everyone in that mother fucker was arrested and went to jail. Everyone that is except Jerry's slippery ass, mother fucker's charmed I tell you.

by Nikki Stixx March 1, 2020

260👍 3👎


(noun) In general a rat-ass snitch motherfucker, but the forms and motives of such smile can vary significantly. As a child you may remember them known as “tattle-tails”, later on words such as “rat” or “snitch” were synonymous with the dimer. The word comes from the popular saying to “drop a dime” on another, suggesting the visual of a shifty eyed sneak and cheat of a person going to a telephone booth and placing or “dropping” a dime into the phone slot in order to inform in another. Dimers motives are almost always self serving, sometimes monetary, other times to shift present attention and scrutiny away from them and on to another. Some dimers do such informing just for the sheer glee they receive from knowing they have caused disharmony and troubles for another from their informing. To many the dimer is some of the lowest of the low, possibly ranking above persons who sexually abuse children.

Sammy had warrants and he was all jitters and nervous as a motherfucker when he entered the gas station. He knew the place would be crawling both inside and out with fuckin dimers, folks ready to snitch him out and inform on him at a moment’s notice. ‘What a great place for a couple hand grenades’ thought Sammy, as he made his visit brief.

by Nikki Stixx March 1, 2024


(noun) a rat-ass, snitch mother fucker whose just chomping at the big to roll on another and “drop a dime” on them just to bring disharmony and heartache on others. Whether for pleasure or profit this specimen of humanoid ranks lower than frog come floating and stagnating in most ponds and will never pass on the opportunity to dime on a Motherfucker. At the end of the day, if somebody squishes a dimer to death, it is a very good thing.

Through and through Jonny was a dimer for life. That cocksucker motherfucker had fuckin rolled on everyone in town at least once, some multiple times. That’s alright, when the hammer drops, whoever gets that in will be impossible to determine since everyone in town would be suspect.

by Nikki Stixx March 31, 2024


(Noun) The bitter taste and/or flavor that can be found on both the tongue of a person who has just given someone anilingus as well on/in the asshole of the person who has just received the anilingus. The undesirable taste is the direct result of the slovenly, unwashed receiver not making any effort whatsoever at personal hygiene, specifically washing their nasty ass.

James tried to somehow put the horrible and pungent taste of butt-tang from his mouth but he was not being very successful at it. He barely recalled licking Betsy's asshole in a night of drunken and horny revelry. At times he ran to the to the restroom on the verge of vomiting. 'That nasty-ass bitch' he thought.

by Nikki Stixx September 17, 2020


(noun) 1. the collective total amount of tangible plunder that is a direct result of some type of successful job, scam or caper that is traditionally divided between the people who were in on the job itself. 2. A desirable ass commands attention, generally it is found throughout the warnings

Nikki and Raymond looked in awe at the mountain of booty before them that their successful heist had produced. Luckily they were able to agree on the distribution of everything so both parties were satisfied with what they took with them. 2. Nikki stared and salivate at the woman's desirable booty as he tried to commit to memory the features that he would recall later when he was alone and by himself.

by Nikki Stixx November 3, 2020

161👍 26👎


(verb) The process of redeeming EBT (food stamp) benefits.

Being the family bread-winner, it was a common practice at every first of the month for John to go food-stamping at the local Sav-A-Lot to obtain groceries for his family.

by Nikki Stixx April 2, 2018

250👍 2👎