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(verb) 1. To strive headstrong and voraciously towards a goal. 2. To seek out and acquire sums of money, preferably large sums, often by unscrupulous means. 3. To prostitute one's self for monetary gain.

Getting low on his stash of cash Derek decided to hit the streets wide open and hustle up some funds quickly.

by Nikki Stixx February 24, 2019

639👍 47👎

meal ticket

(noun) A person, possibly a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friend, etc. who is kept around and close in order to be used, monetarily.

Though they had dated for years, John was nothing more than a meal ticket to Betsy. He was just a dumb, naïve fool that was there to be used, nothing more. Stupid fool believed someone actually loved him.

by Nikki Stixx September 25, 2019

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(noun) a person who has both the knowledge and expertise in injecting others with IV drugs. A hitman has skills in both finding and “hitting” veins in people that others cannot even see because a seasoned hitman will feel for the vein first, making sight a secondary sense. More often times than not this person will be compensated for their services. They are an absolute necessity and “go-to” answer for some, while to others and sometimes to the hitman themself their work is considered a hustle. Regardless they are an asset to their community as their work easily qualifies as a form of harm reduction. So when I’m doubt or unsure about your own needle skills, save a limb—call your hitman.

On any given day Nikki’s never out much money on his high. One of his hustles is being hitman for about a dozen different people who have yet to become successful at hitting themselves. Hey, he does them right and they take care of him.

by Nikki Stixx October 11, 2021


(noun) Any person(s) who practices and/or studies the arts of Fuckery.

A lifelong learner of all the deceits and various wickedness that come from fuckery, Betsy was truly a fuckarist/fuckerist to the core.

by Nikki Stixx May 8, 2021


The practice of injecting drugs under the skin instead of directly into the bloodstream/vein. This is absolutely retarded as the effect cannot compare to the intravenous method, in addition the potential for infections that could dime the user out as professional medical attention will be required to circumvent the potential possibilities of much worse discomfort. In regards to injecting drugs it is the product of a missed injection, instead of into the circulatory system the solution is deposited anywhere else under the skin. This is not good as it is a possibility that this accident could potentially transform into cellulitis, and then there is a chance of an abscess. See further medical texts for the specifics, however it is not out of the realm of possibility this accident could result in loss of limb, or even loss of life. Ending on a positive note however, its much more likely you'll be sore at injection sight with some minor swelling, redness. Keep an eye on it and be more careful next time.

To most junkos the reckless practice of skin-popping is frowned upon and often discouraged. Injecting most things just under the skin can establish the beginnings of a very unpleasant drug injecting experience with medical consequences and the dumb-ass who did it will most definitely have 'some explaining to do' much more serious than Lucy had to do for Desi. Dumb-ass may also have to provide some telling information as to why they "no like Little Ricky"...…..haa-haa-haa!!

by Nikki Stixx April 8, 2021

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(noun/slang) Word used in reference to someone who injects IV drugs

I thought that Nikki and Clifton would hit it off well once they find out that the other is a shooter. I tell ya both those troublemakers are absolutely in love with the needle. Lord-a-mercy (Jamaican voice).

by Nikki Stixx November 14, 2020

58👍 9👎

Bent like Trent

(adjective) Whenever a person makes an obviously unwise business decision that will undoubtedly bring harm to them in the immediate or not too distant future.

Robert's fucking out there, the fucking piece of shit is bent like Trent and ripping everyone off he can, slinging that fake H that's already put a few cats down for the count. He's gonna end up deep-sixxed sooner rather than later, and that's probably for the best.

by Nikki Stixx May 21, 2021

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