Horse smellin Twat, musty horse smellin vagina and instead of horse trot it becomes horsetwat.
Ugg i smell like horsetwat after going hiking.
A pussyfart, a queif farting from your pussy
Did u just powderpoof on my dick?
An incompetent mentally unstable person that influences young minds into being an incompetent mentally unstable person as well as themselves.
Get away from that feebler before, you loose your mind too
A son of a mother fucker, A smuhker
That Smuhker didnt give me all my change back.....
A dick-cuzie, A snuggie for your nozzle (dick) Snozzel
I jus made myself a Snozzel with this beer cuzie
A Show-off Broskii. One of your Broskii's just had to be a Shoskii in front of his girlfriend and got his truck stuck.
He look like a Shoskii trying to impress some girl on the side.
He look like a Shoskii trying to impress some girl on the side.