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toaster bath

The act of committing suicide by electricuting yourself from using a toaster (or other household electrical device) whilst in the bath.

I'm so depressed I have an overwhelming desire to have a toaster bath

by Nikolai Zherkezhi April 12, 2007

320👍 22👎

guide dog

A guide dog is an ugly woman who is out on the town with a much nicer looking woman (who has just moved to the town), showing her the local drinking places.

MAN: Alright darling, why dont you lose this guide dog and i'll show you round town!


by Nikolai Zherkezhi April 22, 2007

5👍 9👎

Frinkey Dink

The act of sexual intercourse

Gettin' down to the frinkey dink!

by Nikolai Zherkezhi April 12, 2007

2👍 1👎