Source Code


The area code of San Diego, CA. Also a finishing move of the WWE's Rey Mysterio.

"I represent the 619."
"Mysterio is getting ready for that 619, Tazz!"

by Ninja October 10, 2003

897👍 172👎


A person that's fake or corny, not exactly edible.

Dude.. you is such a cheeseball.

by Ninja August 17, 2003

27👍 25👎


a cleaner, funnier form of "motha-fucka". used by the Psychopathic artists.

My money mutha-fackos!

by Ninja September 18, 2003

8👍 1👎


As a noun—

1) Empty form: Used in conversation to achieve a goal or manipulate a weaker person.
2) Weak form: Tossed around casually in conversation. Implies that the object is strongly liked.
3) Middle form: This form is used as an excuse or forewarning before a potentially rude statement
4) Family form: This form is usually the most enduring. Evolutionary explanation—people “love” members of their family as a method of protecting their genes. Romantic explanation—you can pick your friends, but you’re stuck with your family, so you might as well love them (also, there’s no place like home)
5) Best Friend: Best Friend form can fluctuate between the level of Family and the Strongest form, depending on the variables involved. A good example would be Jay and Silent Bob (see “hetero life mate,” though one should note that best friends can be of any gender)
6) Strongest love:
a. This last form can be best recognized by the fact that it “grabs you by your whole body.” Poetically, it can lift you up and let you fly, or it can crush you under the mud. Usually it is felt between two people in a dating relationship, although love for family members can reach this level.

As a verb—

1) The act of feeling one of the noun forms of love

Uses (as they correspond to the noun forms):
1) If you love me, you’ll buy me this.
2) I just love strawberry shortcake!
3) Honey, you know I love you, but you look simply hideous in that.
4) Goodnight, mom and dad, I love you.
5) Love ya man.
6) I love you more than the air I breath. I’m in love!

by Ninja April 28, 2004

71👍 27👎

monoxide child

1/2 of twiztid. happens to be an ULTRA chain smoker, hence his name.

i wanna fuckonthefirstdate with Monoxide.

by Ninja September 18, 2003

116👍 30👎


the art of de africanizing yourself or another foreigner from the wild tundra of africa

jonny dies. roxy eats cheese. howie is a hamburger

by Ninja March 31, 2003

5👍 8👎


a terrorist

by Ninja December 22, 2002

87👍 54👎