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Better than d2_hacker, see D2_hacker
, ownage, pwnage, pimp, 1337, leet, etc..

OMG! wow that godly item is soooo pcgamer4life

by No comment May 17, 2003

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


it means like tha person closin her/his eyes cos they stressed or in trubble or sumn like dat

im scrood >.<

by No comment April 29, 2003

54πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

Bitter Bizitch fo shandy

A bitter person. Gets irratated easily. Likes to scream at girls if they do not understand directions

by No comment April 3, 2003

5πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

mental abuse

The act of or the effects of mentally scaring a person. The effects are often long term.

"I don't see why people abuse their kids physically; abusing them mentally is so much more permanent.

by No comment December 4, 2003

88πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a total freak
haha jk jk jk jk jk biz

if ur name is bizzie ur weird
haha jk jkjk
biz i luv ya

by No comment July 4, 2004

6πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


it means chillin or makin out

sara: so wut u up to?
paul: just kickin it.

makin out:
susie: so have u kicked it wit him yet?
katie: yup. =)

by No comment April 29, 2003

152πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž


a very ugly and nasty and annyoing and boring and pooey and bumholish person...

e.g mi sister

by No comment May 22, 2004

6πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž