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University of Washington

A state run program to harbor all foreign nationalities, but mostly Asians. Asians, Asians, Asians and more Asians. UW propaganda attempts to make attendees (AKA Fuskies) feel better about themselves by inflating their enormous egos by supplying pink t-shirts, 2 sizes to small, to all men and by confiscating all female underwear (most girls are already so slutty, they often have none already).

Luckily, UW alerts the general public of a Fuskies presence by smothering its inhabitants with gaudy purple and gold, which are the universal colors for "Yes, I tan and go to Starbucks every day, please key my car."

Sadly, while UW was intended for foreign exchange students, unintelligent, insecure, high school sluts and bisexual men from here in America have, over time, been attracted to UW, thus enhancing UW's reputation as a breeding ground for STD's, bad sports teams, and cum spiked hair.

Kieth, you Fuskie, get up to the University of Washington.

by Nob~~ June 8, 2010

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