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Bruv is the British version of saying the english version of "bro". The word can be used a comical manner of a more sarcastic manner. Many Brits use "bruv" to poke fun at Americans.

American states "Lets link up for some brew bruv." (Incorrect usage)

British Mate states "Nah means bruv.....Oye." (Correct Verision)

by NolansMaster February 3, 2011

51👍 202👎


As we all know UGGS are a very common boot amongst the ladies. The word "Muggs" originated when a male came to a Super Bowl Party wearing a pair and proclaimed they were "the man version." Sorry that is nonsense, there is no such thing in the real man world. The word "Muggs" can be used in a number of different real life scenarios however mainly it means you arent a man and what you are doing or saying is not very heteorsexual.

Wait...we are going to Reeds again tonight??? Dammit that is MUGGS.

by NolansMaster February 3, 2011

12👍 11👎