A time of day as in 4:20 (usually PM, but can be either) perfect for tea and crumpets
Person 1 -"Man I sure do love 420
Person 2 - "Bro who doesn't"
A replacement for any word similar to "smurf"
I went to the Wooble to go Wooble myself a Wooble.
Used to mean one is pleasuring themselves
One second I need to go wooble, brb
A thing to tell your teachers on the last day of school which means "I hope you become fulfilled with your life and find happiness".
James- "Hey Mr. Jones, you've been a great teacher all year, and I just wanted to tell you to go fuck yourself"
Mr. Jones- "That is such a nice thing to say, I hope you have an amazing summer!"
When you get to the best part of a book and you can't stop reading
OMG I'm about to have sex I can feel it.