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Usually found in the northern Rocky Mountains of the continental United States. Often mistakenly linked with hippies, however have no over-arching motivations for societal progress. Instead are focused solely on spending the majority of their time engaging in outdoor recreational pursuits. Despite never having held a full-time job, granolas usually manage to purchase several thousand dollars worth of over-priced outdoors equipment (i.e. skis, kayaks, rock climbing gear) which they strap to their over-burdened 1995 Subaru Legacy station wagons. When not actively outdoors, granolas can be found together in small to medium sized packs smoking marijuana, listening to the String Cheese Incident and Jack Johnson, and watching Warren Miller videos.

90% of the "locals" found in Jackson, Wyoming are granolas.

by Nooneyouknow June 17, 2008

95👍 104👎

gucci gang

Gucci gang is a group of friends that are lit asf

Look at my Gucci gang we lit everyday

by Nooneyouknow September 13, 2017

379👍 305👎