Is a beam which combines shit-talking from another person and throws it right back at him.
The norinizing-beam also known as "norinising" or "norinizing" is the compression of thick-layered stupidity of shit-talkers which is then fired right back as a savagery beam of 100 times the power of the input.
Charmander used norinising-beam, it was very effective!
He just got norinised with a big ass beam!
Is a beam which combines shit-talking from another person and throws it back right at him.
The Norinizing-Beam also known as "norinising" or "norinizing" is the compression of thick-layered stupidity of shit-talkers which is then fired back as a savagery beam of 100 times the power of the input.
Chamander used norinising-beam. It was very effective!
You just got norinised.
There's a huge norinising-beam coming for you. Better watch out!