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ubran dictionary

1. It's spelled this way because "Urban Dictionary" does not allow itself to be defined.

2. An idiotic website, created by people who have nothing else to do except encourage cretins to make up stupid words.

3. A website that might have a lawsuit against them, unless they remove slanderous entries about people.

"That garbage website did an 'ubran dictionary' and disappeared".

by Norm Vogel March 15, 2007

26👍 40👎


A 55 year-old man who has investigated the Occult for over 40 years and a practicing WITCH for over 23 years. He is the ex-NJ Director of many Wiccan anti-defamation groups, eg, WARD, WADL, and WLPA. He has helped MANY people with religious discrimination cases.

He is a legally-ordained minister, High Priest, Elder, Teacher, and political activist, and has lectured to colleges, and radio/tv/newspapers.

He has no respect for credentials; "respect must be EARNED".
He also thinks for himself, and many of his opinions incur the wrath of some of the ghost/Pagan Community. BUT, he has many, many friends -- open-minded people who are not afraid to question the status quo.

The "stale" teacher's views didn't agree with Vogel.

by Norm Vogel March 14, 2007

36👍 47👎