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Trendy (plural trendies)
The once staple diet of british teenagers and 20 somethings, unlike many suggestions are not sheep, but do not like to be defined by the music they listen to or the clothes they wear; and so do the now rarely seen thing of buying clothes simply because they look neat, fit well and have a price range somewhere from being stupidly expensive to wearing rags found on the street; they also listen to music they like not because NME told them to like it or some DJ said "Bla Bla i'm da greatist" but because they thought "not bad". The vast majority are of average intelligence middle class people who realise life is more than trying to define yourself into a social group and so make good friends, find a good girl/boy settle down and earn some money to support there families. Trendies generally have no problems with other social groupings;ie. chavs, moshers, goths, townies. and are also putoff by yobs and others who cause trouble for the sake of not being able to hold there alchol.

As you can probably tell I am what would be classed as a trendy, not because I class myself as this but that others do. I think the majority of trendies end up in this group by default because these so-called sheep already no who they are and don't need to find themselves (unlike many others). When everyone else realises they are individuals and they are free to wear what ever they want, date whoever they want, listen to whatever they want, eat what ever they want without being labelled and grouped as they are today every one will be much happier, and I am sure my "Mosher" girlfriend would agree.

Trendy guy: Hey here comes Rob bout time he got here we gotta go!
Random goth/rudeboi passer by: Ahhhhhhh he's a goth/rudeboi don't hate him cos he's better than u trendy sheep!!
Trendy guy: actually he's our m8 were waiting for him
Random goth/rudeboi passer by: Don't lie, I'm special and he's one of us ahhhhhhhhhh!!

by Normalguy April 3, 2006

14👍 16👎



Herbert from Family Guy is a 46’er

by Normalguy July 1, 2024


The way Miley Cyrus acts.

Miley Cyrus acts like a whore.

by Normalguy August 27, 2013

248👍 88👎