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Also called neo-con, this political philosophy is a combination of liberal and traditional conservative views.

On domestic issues, Neocons say they are for limited government, free market solutions and things like that. However, when non-interventionist tactics do not yield the result they want, they have no qualms about using government power to garner the desired result.

For foreign policy issues, they tend to refrain from using diplomacy. Neocons tend to participate in nation-building in the attempt to set up desired governments in other countries. They claim to support liberal democracies and human rights abroad but generally are more than willing to abandon this goal if it won't create the desired effect. Neocons usually want to use massive military force to solve most international issues despite the fact that very few of them have ever served.

Neocons see the world in binary, good vs evil and us vs them, terms. They are generally upper middle and upper class white people with college educations (ie the stereotypical WASP) but there is also a strong neocon segment among poor whites with little education (ie the stereotypical redneck). Tending to be socially conservative, they often belong to evangelical Protestant Christian churches and claim to have strong moral values. They love the status-quo.

Neoconservative people primarily belong to conservative groups and parties such as the GOP and NRA. This leads to power struggles in these groups as tradition conservatives, paleoconservative and conservative libertarians (all sharing similar values) fight the neocons for control and to be the face of the group.

The most famous neocon is George W Bush

by Northendwhitetrash November 28, 2009

91πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A really great country that is constantly stereotyped and insulted by Europeans and some of our own citizens(1st amendment). That's okay, because the second a European nation is atacked, we'll go help them out so they can retain the right to insult us.

Most stereotypes about the USA are highly exagerated or just not true. people who complain about the USA often are complaining about the idiotic, fat, backwards minority. Most of dislike isbecasue people have a tendancy to insult the world power at that time out of jelousy. It doesn't matter what those idiots say because we're the country in the world right now, no matter what they say.

by Northendwhitetrash June 26, 2007

292πŸ‘ 438πŸ‘Ž


WD-40 was origionally developed by the Rocket Chemicals Company in 1953. The name means Wated Displacement 40 (40 is the formula number). It was first used in air and space applications such as the Atlas Missile. It is primarily made up of various petrolium products and mineral spirits. Just like duct tape, it is a cornerstone of the average man's life. Also like duct tape, it has an uncountable number of uses. It is primarily used to lubricate and clean metal while also preventing corrosion and rust.

WD-40 is easily recognized by its blue and yellow can with the red cap. It comes with a little red straw that is stuck into the nozzle to help direct the spray. Recently, to combat the inconvieniece of the straw, WD-40 released a new design with an attatched straw on a hinge to increase ease of use.

If it is stuck, tight, rusty or dirty, use some WD-40 on it. It is the opposite of duct tape in that it makes things unstuck. Like duct tape, it is cheap and avaliable everywhere. It is a must for the handyman.

by Northendwhitetrash August 5, 2008

32πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Duct Tape

God's gift to man. The perfect mix between untility and cost. The average sized role of duct tape costs less than $2 and is availiable to be purchased almost anywhere. Duct tape is not as sticky as Gorrila Tape, but it is much less expensive and more easily obtained. Every man must have a roll of duct tape somewhere. It is the perfect addition to the car, utility closet and tool box of anyone.

Duct tape was origionally created during World War 2 for the US military to water-proof ammunition crates in the wet climates of the Pacific and Northern Europe. The water-proof qualities earned it the name Duck Tape as it repelled water like a duck's feathers. GIs then began using this tape for fixing things in the field. After the war, this useful product was unsuccesfully used to seal duct work (hence the generic name) later to be replaced by foil tape. The two main producers of quality duct tape are Duck Tape and 3M. It is ussually found in the full-sized, gray roll. However, it can be found in many colors and sizes with many backings (plastic, rubber, fibered etc).

Something is officialy broken when it cannot be fixed with duct tape.

by Northendwhitetrash August 4, 2008

97πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


a web site found on the internet were almost anyone with internet and literacy (not much required) can define whatever the hell they damn well feel like defining. The ultimate use for the 1st amendment

Why the hell are you looking up the definition of ud, you are already here. Then again, why am I even defining ud if there is no real reason to search it on ud?

by Northendwhitetrash March 24, 2007

3420πŸ‘ 1119πŸ‘Ž


origionally intended for off-roaders and people who needed a truck and a van at the same time. Now they are used mostly by pricks, dicks and assholes. Soccormoms love these because they can put their 300lb kid in the back, let him watch a DVD so she doesn't have to be a parent while she talks on her cellphone (almost killing innocent motorists in cars and pedestrians) on her way to the soccor game where everybody is special so they all win. SUVs can be divided into 3 catagories
1) Fullsized- overbuilt, overpowered four-wheel-drive beheemouths with more luxury than a 4star hotel i.e. Esclades, Excursions, Navigators, Hummers
2) "Crossovers"- underbuilt, underpowered wuss-mobiles designed so that some people can feel good that they are not driving a tank when in fact, they are even worse because they still waste fuel and space, drive like idiots and should really be driving a van or car. Forgein companies from Asia and Europe often sell these too.
3) Suburbans- Still a full-sized SUV with luxury and four-wheel-drive, but actually designed to tow and work. idiots from catagory 1 still buy suburbans, but so do people who actually work the truck like a truck.

I was crossing the street when some bitch in a SUV hit me. She got pissed off at me (eventhough she ran the light because she was doing her make-up and chatting on her cell) because my face scratched her bumper.

by Northendwhitetrash December 30, 2008

37πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Gun Control

The systematic restriction of the rights of Americans granted by the 2nd Amendment in the name of reducing crime. Gun Control is traditionally practiced by liberals but the rising popularity of neo-conservatism is also putting gun control on the agenda for most "conservatives." Gun Control ranges from the simplest of gun registration to an outright ban on a specific type of gun or guns in general. Gun Control is often implimented shortly before a totalitarian leader begins opressing a groups of people (German Holocaust, Stalin's Russia, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Darfur etc).

The fact is that Gun Control does not work. Any time new gun control laws are passed, crime rates go up. Whenever gun control laws are repealed, crime rates go down or stay the same. The simple truth is that if guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns. By definition, criminals (the group that gun control laws seem to attempt to disarm (in addition to the general public)), don't follow the law, thus making the gun control laws ineffective on them.

Never in the history of the United States (and most other countries for that matter) has a gun control policy decreased gun crime, gun injuries and/or gun deaths.

by Northendwhitetrash January 21, 2009

9805πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž