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Norweigia is where Norwegians are from. Norway does not exist!

I am Norwegian which means I am from Norweigia.

by NorweigiaIsLife April 4, 2018


its where norwegian people are from because norawy is for losers so ya thanks for listening or reading my definition because its better than anyone elses so ya norwegia is life

im from norwegia and im proud, don't go to norawy go to norweigia.

by NorweigiaIsLife April 4, 2018


Nowegia is the home of the norwegian goats and humans. Goats are the official animal of Norwegia and these goats are special because they are green and pink. Never trust a Nowegian goat from Norwegia. Norwegia is where the Norwegian people live so not Norway. Let's make it clear that Norway is not a place. The history of Norwegia is very special. In the early years there was a queen in Norwegia and her name was Klaudia, she ruled the world of Norwegia and now the world is better than ever. Norwegia is life!!

"Hey dude where do Norwegians come from?"
"They come from Norwegia, where Queen Klaudia ruled the world"

"Who ruled Norwegia in the early years?"
"Queen Klaudia the most beautiful and amazing human ever"

by NorweigiaIsLife April 4, 2018

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