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Mercy Lunge

To combine all forms of human mating calls into one movement, usually occurring during the early hours, in a nightclub, such as 'Mercy XS' in Norwich. The move usually combines a dance that attempts to display all of the lunger's features as aggressively as possible, whilst also making a move with the express intention of passionately, but not necessarily romantically, kissing the individual, in the hope that they realise that you have gone for it all in one. Other features of this lunge include movement of the legs in a way that might surround the lunged-upon, and a general thrust of the pelvic region. This particular thrust might throw the lunger off-balance and trick the lunged-upon into being the physical relief for that person (literally and euphemistically).

'Did you see Jo last night?'
'It was 2.55, we were trying to go home from Mercy, but she just went for it on Gareth and did a Mercy Lunge!'
'Classic Jo!'

OR, can be used depending on location;

'Naomi, are you just going to LCR lunge him then?'

by Norwich Gentleman March 24, 2014