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The smartest person alive. Hottest man alive. Pulls all them ladies.

Everyone wants to be a vidyoot.

by Not Sahil December 20, 2021

2👍 1👎


Honestly the hottest guy alive .he is the smartest funniest and best guy to hang out with.he is also an amazing friend and can seduce all the ladies with his looks.in simple words.Sahil is the best person alive right now

Honestly I wish I was a Sahil but I can't even imagine that

by Not Sahil October 19, 2019

1113👍 124👎


Sahil is the best man alive but is very down to earth. He is known for his hotness, how smart and how funny and fun to hang out he is . Overall sahil is an amazing friend to have but he has never shown a sign of arrogance.

I wish I was Sahil

by Not Sahil October 19, 2019

238👍 26👎