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A divorced woman who is going through menopause. She was the town slut in youth, had an abortion before she was married, and uses sex to advance in a career instead of hard, honest work. She enjoys going after men that are the age her aborted child would have been if it was still alive. She uses girlfriends that are more attractive then herself as lures for younger men, because they would not touch her with a ten foot pole. She cares little to nothing about the psychological affects of her actions will have on her sons.

She is constantly making and loosing friends who drop out of sight when they figure out the type of person she is. Her male friends rarely tell her the truth and are losers in business.

Former girlfriend:
No, I don't hang out with that cougar anymore, especially after her son, who is young enough to be my child, made a pass at me.

Yes, she laughed at the information for hours in private and made up a story about her son allegedly enlisting in the army, thinking that made up for her bad parenting and his actions.

by Not a cougar August 29, 2006

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