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A bitch is just a bully in a skirt.

Like any bully, she won't lay off until you stand up to her.

Like any classic bully, she thinks she's tough until her victim fights back. When a victim successfully fights back, the classy bully's demeanor turns from wannabe tough to whiny crybaby. i.e. - a classic bitch

And we've come full circle.

A female bully is a bitch.

Female bullies typically attack you behind your back, trying to ruin your reputation with others. That's their favorite tactic. More confrontational bullies will also attack you openly, in your face.

As with any bully, you cannot appease the bitch by turning the other cheek, being passive, letting it go, etc. Those passive behaviors show weakness, which attracts bullies to attack you more.

There is no way to humor a bully for very long.

There will be no end the attacks and bullying, until you stand up to the bully, or permanently leave. Though often they won't let you leave until after you've stood up to them.

Since bitches are just female bullies, they are like any other bully. Once you realize that, you know who you're dealing with.

by Not going to take it anymore December 23, 2010

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