Source Code

East Bufu

1.Somewhere that is nowhere.
2.Far away parking lot.

Take the bus, the car's parked in East Bufu

by Not so super Dj Gennady January 9, 2003

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

LA dating protocol

A process in which the future of a relationship can be determined by the 3 follwoing lines.
1. I'll call you- You are a fuckhead and trust me, you'll never hear from me again.
2. Let's do lunch- I want to test the waters some more before I jump in with you.
3.Let's do sushi- Means either a) I like sashimi a lot, or b) I want you to fuck me until your cock bleeds in the near future cause you're that incredible.

That girl just wanted to do lunch, what a fucking bitch!

by Not so super Dj Gennady January 17, 2003

25πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


1.Russian made fighters that show how minorities could change the fate of Russian/Soviet weapon technology (Mikoyan was Armenian and Gurevich was Jewish). The initial fighters were fast, but little else....meaning they could escape from the Germans but not stay and shoot. MiG improved their fighters and started to build top of the line fighter aircraft. The MiG-21 is the most mass produced fighter in the world with 21,000 in service. The MiG-25 can go mach 2.8. However, the MiG company was bought out in 1996 and mainly makes stunt aircraft and corporate jets now. MiGs also pale in comparison to the mighty Sukhoi fighters that now make up a lot of Russia's arsenal.
2. Slang for any Russian fighter.

I've got a MiG on my tail!

by Not so super Dj Gennady February 24, 2003

264πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

cock tease

Evil whore who flirts with you a lot and manages to fleece you like a sheep for everything you are worth in a false anticipation that you will gain mindblowing sex in exchange for what you do. Well, the end result is that she gets what she ants and you get fucked in the figurative sense and must go back to the old threesome of me, myself, and I.

That girl is such a cocktease. I gave her a gold necklace and she took my heart. THAT BITCH!!!!!!!!

by Not so super Dj Gennady February 25, 2003

540πŸ‘ 400πŸ‘Ž

cunt bag

Shithead, vicious, evil person that represents a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world... The ultimate worst insult that you can use to describe your friends...

That bitch is such a cuntbag!!!!!!

by Not so super Dj Gennady April 28, 2003

668πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


Volkswagen. The German car company based in Wolfsburg was founded in the 1930's. Its original vehicle they produced was the VW Beetle. These small cars revolutionized the auto industry as people could afford a small-yet-reliable car. VW also produced the notoriously unreliable Bus in the 1960s. After unsuccesful years between the 1970's and the early 1990's -- with the exception of the Golf in Europe-- they had difficulty with their models. Yet, they have succeeded now in becoming one of the most successful automakers of all time by owning all German and Italian car companies with the exception of BMW and FIAT, respectively. VW continues to have the best car colors, a stellar safety record, and the cars should remain affordable unless VW screws themselves over by competing with themselves P&G style.

Gennady rocks while he is behind the wheel of his VW.

by Not so super Dj Gennady March 10, 2003

145πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

Dance Dance Revolution

Komani developed game that tests coordination by stepping on arrows on a corresponding pad. The game has some good songs, but is evil because it has the power to possess people to do things they would not usually do. The game may also be phase one in some kind of subliminal Japanese takeover of the world.

You have won DDR, and also the curse that comes with it.

by Not so super Dj Gennady September 12, 2003

29πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž