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Acronym for "I Don't Get Hashtag Phrases" - an admission of guilt used by people who often fail to understand commonly used acronyms and hashtags. Irony of hashtagging #IDGHP is generally lost on them.

See also: IDGHT (I don't get hashtags)

"Just had to check the Googles for the definition of a hash thing. Again.#IDGHP"

"Nobody types properly anymore. #IDGHP"

by Not your real name August 3, 2014

58👍 30👎


Would like to prove that this Instagram Story trend is bonkers because you can literally write whatever you want on urban dictionary. In fact, words mean nothing here. It’s the literal opposite of a dictionary.

Ofc a load of 13 year olds have said that Daniella is cool and sexy if they are a) Daniella or b) trying to finger Daniella . Wikipedia once let me claim that I was related to the twins from B*witched. Doesn’t mean it’s true

Actually now I come to think of it - what is truth? Maybe upending the dictionary is pretty cool? Have we democratised words?

Were words ever undemocratic? God this is postmodernist isn’t it

Words mean nothing and art is meant to make you feel something. I feel confused and you are all Cool and Sexy and the Best Person Ever and this Instagram Trend is Art actually isn’t it

Are you ok?

I need a lie down

I think Daniella wrote this

This is a woman (Daniella) written by a woman (Daniella)

by Not your real name November 24, 2021


Would like to prove that this Instagram Story trend is bonkers because you can literally write whatever you want on urban dictionary. In fact, words mean nothing here. It’s the literal opposite of a dictionary.

Ofc a load of 13 year olds have said that Daniella is cool and sexy if they are a) Daniella or b) trying to finger Daniella . Wikipedia once let me claim that I was related to the twins from B*witched. Doesn’t mean it’s true

Actually now I come to think of it - what is truth? Maybe upending the dictionary is pretty cool? Have we democratised words?

Were words ever undemocratic? God this is postmodernist isn’t it

Words mean nothing and art is meant to make you feel something. I feel confused and you are all Cool and Sexy and the Best Person Ever and this Instagram Trend is Art actually isn’t it

Are you ok?

I need a lie down

I think Daniella wrote this

This is a woman (Daniella) written by a woman (Daniella)

by Not your real name November 24, 2021